I think Lu putt upp a very intresting subjekt, ofcourse we in the most case love the country we come from, but I must say that in europe we have a love and hate feeling for US. I have been ther two times, and learnd very nice peopel, very helpfull and warm.
But then we have this politics,word police, who join terribel leders in some countrys, like support Pol pot ,even Bin ladin have been traind of the US, when they fighting Sovjet union.And war against Irak,and atacking some who they think are bad, nowan else can do this.
Some say Us have two faces, one in our world,and unother in 3 world.
And do you have this equalness as some talks abuot, isnt it the money who decide who gone to winn in several cases.
And this glorifying of violence as we see on a lot of hollywood movies.
Why are this terribel masakers happend ,isnt it a prof of that this is something wrong.